19 June, 2019

World of Tanks Download Full Version Game

World of Tanks is a war type game which is played widely.It is massively online game developed.
It is free to play and built upon premium business model but it has other option for player like playing free of use of premium.

It has a battlefield where player use different type of techniques to fight with the enemy. It has a class of weapons and protective layers which is used in the field to conquer different areas of enemy and to defeat the enemy.

It is user friendly and played by different age of people but it is mostly popular in kids of school and colleges,It has different levels that has complex and more advance features that enable uses to has more interest and WOT has a class and more popular. It graphics and design is up to date with advance technology.

world of tanks download

07 March, 2016

How to Permanently Deactivate/Delete Facebook Account

Google plus is very popular among the world so this search "How to deactivate or delete Facebook account permanently" is very popular now a days. Facebook users are going to move on Google plus because its the service from Google. Some users already deactivate or delete there Facebook accounts because Facebook strictly tight his policies and ban many users a day, block many accounts, block sending requests, hacked public accounts, adds on Facebook, Timeline introduction is big reason to delete or deactivate Facebook accounts.

Today I'll tell you that How to delete/deactivate Facebook account permanently...?

1. Click on the small triangle at the top right corner of the page and then select the option that says “Account Settings.

2. Now a new window appears, in the left sidebar menu, click on the "Security" tab, then at the end of detail click "Deactivate Your Account"

3. Now choose the reasons why you delete the Facebook account permanently. Fill out and tick some options that you think better then Click on Confirm at the bottom left on the page.

When you confirm it then a new security words entering form is appeared and ask for enter the password and security words, you must enter that password and security words before continue.

4. At the final step choose Submit to Delete your account permanently from Facebook website.

Note: If you wish to get back your deactivated Facebook account you must log in to Facebook with your account details with in 24 hours of deactivated submission. If you are late and log in to Facebook out of 24 hours then you can't recover your Facebook account, friends, photos, videos, pages, groups and many more. So think before deactivation of Facebook account and take a backup of anything that you want to save for future use.

Add Animated Posts Widget with Thumbnails in Blogger

How to add animated recent posts with thumbnails or pictures widget in blogger blogspot is a recent question search in Google recently. I've not added this in my blogger but I've recently removed this from my blogger because there is no space for this widget in my blog. So i decide to tell the world that how to add animated recent posts with thumbnails or pictures widget in blogger. This is better a SEO technique to increase your page views and increase the time duration to stay the user at your site.

1. Go to blogger with signing in.
2. Click on Layout.
3. Add a Gadget where you want (its better to add in sidebar)
4. Select HTML/JavaScript from the list.
5. Paste this below code into HTML/JavaScript and Name the Title Recent Posts then click on Save.

<div class='widget-content' div style='padding-left:1px;'>
<style>img.recent_thumb {padding:1px;width:55px;height:55px;border:0;float:right;margin:0 0 5px 10px;}.recent_posts_with_thumbs {float: left;width: 100%;min-height: 70px;margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;padding: 0;font-size:12px;}ul.recent_posts_with_thumbs li {padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;padding-left:30px;min-height:65px;}.recent_posts_with_thumbs a {text-decoration:none;}.recent_posts_with_thumbs strong {font-size:10px;}</style>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script style='text/javascript' src="http://stylifyyourblog1.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/recentpostticker.js" ></script>
<script style='text/javascript' src='http://tavristasos.googlecode.com/svn-history/r100/trunk/recentpostswiththumbnailsv3.js'></script>
<script style='text/javascript'>
var numposts = 50;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 70;
$(document).ready(function () {$('#sai').vTicker({
speed: 1500,
pause: 4000,
showItems: 7,
animation: 'fade',
mousePause: false,
height: 0,
direction: 'up'
<div id="sai">
<script src='http://learnhackz.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs'>
</div><div style align='right'><a href="http://learnhackz.blogspot.com/">Get This</a></div></div>

You have added this widget successfully into your blogger. Now you can modify the colored text in the above code. The red colored are the necessary changes that you made changes in them and the pink are the extra changes that if you want then change or leave them as it is.

1. Change your site name from http://learnhackz.blogspot.com.
2. Change the Direction from UP to Down or leave it same.
3. If you want to change mouse pause function then change the false into true then when the user move the cursor into this widget then the animation is going to be stopped.
4. Change the Show items from 7 to what you want.

If you want to change the extra changes then change those one by one.
1. speed function is used to change the animation speed, you want to increase or decrease by changing the numeric value.
2. If you want to show post summary then remain it same or don't want then change it to false.
3. If you want to show post date then change it to true.
4. If you want to show comment number then change it to true.
5. If you want to show display more in post title the change it to true.
6. var number posts is the total number of posts that shown in the list.

If you like this then remember to write comments.

How To Add or Embed YouTube Video in Blogger Blog Post

YouTube is now very popular among the world in every field. Every thing in the world you want to search and find it, You should search it on YouTube.com and watch your required video. Blogger is being support the iframe tags in blogger to embed/add/insert YouTube videos directly in blogger blogspot post.

A very small method has make the your post complete with support of YouTube videos. The user post a game and provide a download link on blogger blog post then this is required to embed a YouTube trailer of that game in blogger blogspot post. So the users can easily find there requirements and the type of game that the user want. This is a better SEO technique for blog users.

There are two methods for adding an YouTube video in blogger blog post.
1. Embed

<embed height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ES01L4xjSXE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420"></embed>

2. Iframe

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ES01L4xjSXE?feature=player_embedded" width="420"></iframe>

Replace your video url with these red bold text and add one of these codes into your blogger blog post.

How to add:
  • Login to http://www.blogger.com/home
  • Click the blog you want to post
  • Click on New Post
  • Then before adding the embed or iframe code, just click on HTML button and then paste your favorite video embed code in it.

  • Now click on Compose button to preview your video
  • After adding and editing click publish to successfully embedding the video.

Start Video Calling to Facebook Friends From Skype

Skype and Facebook starts there integration in Video Calling feature on 17 November 2012. Now the users are able to see there Facebook Friends on Skype Messenger and Start video calling to them when they are online. Skype integrates Facebook account into Skype messenger so the user can access to there Facebook account and see there Facebook friends in Skype.

First install Skype messenger in your windows, Sign in to Skype Messenger then locate the blue button like star at the right side of the Skype window and click this button. A tab is appears you must select Connect from Facebook to add Facebook account in Skype messenger.

After you adding your Facebook account your friends from Facebook are shown in Skype friends list. Select drop down button and choose which you want to shows your friends in the list. When you choose Facebook then all the friends of Facebook are shown in the list and the online friends have a green circle at the right side of there name.
Click on friends name and in the right side window choose call to have a video call to the Facebook friends.